Plan Editor in ClinCheck® Pro software

Make significant changes to your treatment plans quickly and easily without involving an Align technician.

Gain more control of treatment planning for better clinical outcomes with ClinCheck Plan Editor.

Plan Editor introduces multiple new case modification tools that were previously only available during the case submission process in the Invisalign® Doctor Site or in comments to the CAD designer.

Plan Editor adds even more efficiency to your treatment planning.

Flexibility and customization
Make major modifications yourself, view side-by-side comparisons, and customize treatment plans for specific cases.

Greater control of digital treatment planning
Leverage the power to edit, undo, redo, and investigate new approaches to your treatment plans without waiting on an Align technician.

Efficiency and time savings
Skip written comments and see changes in minutes with ClinCheck Live Update to save time and stay in the moment.

Watch this video for a comprehensive overview of what Plan Editor can do for your practice.

How Plan Editor works

Plan Editor is only enabled with a preferences template selected, like Invisalign® Personalized Plan, and is to be used for select cases where you want to modify the treatment plan goal or approach, or handle exceptions to your usual treatment preferences.

Step 1

Choose any plan from your history, go to ‘Modify Plan’ and select ‘Plan Editor’ from the dropdown.

Step 2

Select one or more tools to view existing preferences and toggle them off to make your modifications.

Step 3

Make your modifications and click the ‘Live Update’ button to review the changes in minutes.

Step 4

When finished with Plan Editor changes, either fine tune your plan using 3D Controls or approve your updated plan.

Frequently Asked Questions


When is Plan Editor available in ClinCheck treatment plans? 
Plan Editor will be available in the ClinCheck Pro software if a doctor uses the Flex Rx form. Once a doctor receives their initial setup, they can proceed using Plan Editor tools. Plan Editor is only available to be used before 3D Controls. Plan Editor will not be available if 3D Controls are used first, and this will be clear in the interface. 
How many times can a doctor use Plan Editor in one case? 
The same treatment plan can be updated using Plan Editor and ClinCheck Live Update as many times as a doctor chooses if they haven’t used 3D Controls first. If a doctor used 3D Controls first and wants to use Plan Editor, the treatment plan can be deleted and then Plan Editor will be available as an option to use. It will also be clear in the user interface when you can and can’t use it.
Why can’t a doctor see Plan Editor in the ClinCheck Pro software? 
An order must be submitted using the Flex Rx form to use Plan Editor tools in ClinCheck Pro software.
How long does ClinCheck Live Update take to modify staging and features? 
Just like ClinCheck Live Update for 3D Controls, if the user is connected to a stable internet connection and is using hardware that meets the minimum system requirements, the update will usually take approximately 2 minutes to complete. Some users might see updates appear in less time.
Why is the complete list of Plan Editor tools not available?
Once Plan Editor is selected, the software automatically displays tools depending on the initial conditions of the case. (i.e. a deep bite case will not display an Anterior open bite tool). Tools can be easily enabled by editing the ‘Initial Conditions’ section of Plan Editor.
Can more than one tool be used before selecting the Live Update button?
Yes, a doctor can modify multiple tools in Plan Editor in one session. 
What if a doctor transfers a patient case to another doctor who is not using a preferences template, such as Invisalign Personalized Plan? 
If a case is transferred to another doctor, the automated preferences of the original doctor will be saved after the transfer to the new doctor. However, the new doctor will not see Plan Editor in the software.
Is Plan Editor available for treatment plans created before Plan Editor was enabled for a doctor (also known as work in progress cases)? 
If a doctor has a case without any ClinCheck modifications, then Plan Editor will be available. The only time they won’t be available is when a case has already been updated using the Live Update button.
Can the CAD designer see updated staging reflected in the treatment plan after using ClinCheck Live Update?
Yes, CAD designers can see the exact same number of stages that the doctor sees after using ClinCheck Live Update. The only limitation is that CAD designers can see only the plan that was approved or submitted and can’t see the rest of plans that a doctor may have calculated. 
Why is a doctor getting a notification that Plan Editor and Live Update are unable to update or failed to update? 
In some rare instances, when a doctor uses ClinCheck Live Update, the plan modification cannot be successfully completed. In the event a recalculation fails, the doctor will see a pop-up notification that Plan Editor has failed. If this happens, doctors should retry Live Update, and if it continues to fail, then continue using comments to the Align technician.
Can a doctor send comments to the CAD designer while using Plan Editor? 
No, the ‘Submit’ button is disabled when using Plan Editor. The doctor must use the Live Update button after Plan Editor to proceed with 3D Controls, comments, or approving the plan.
What if an issue is experienced with Plan Editor? 
If a doctor experiences unexpected behaviour when using Plan Editor, please report details of the issue to
Is training available on how to use Plan Editor and all of the individual tools? 
Yes, training content is available in the Align Education site, under Education > Resources > ClinCheck Pro or by clicking here.

1. Compatible with iPad only. The software is not supported on Android tablets at this time.

2. Based on Invisalign comprehensive treatment option primary orders (n=50,114 cases) from doctors (n=165 orthodontists and dentists) participating in a limited market release who only used ClinCheck Live Update for 3D controls as compared to those who only used CAD designers for their ClinCheck modifications to treatment plans in the period June 1, 2021 through December 23, 2021. Time measurement is based on the doctor’s first opening of the ClinCheck plan to final ClinCheck approval. Includes Invisalign trained orthodontists and dentists in the NA, LATAM, EMEA, and APAC regions. Data on file at Align Technology, as of January 4, 2022.

3. Based on a survey of Invisalign trained orthodontists (n=48) and dentists (n=17) who were classified as having used Live Updatein at least one Invisalign case in the period of June 2, 2021 through October 31, 2021 and were asked to indicate their agreement with the statement, “Using 3D controls in ClinCheckenables me to create personalized quality and increased control of the treatment plan by minimizing misinterpretation of written comments.” Agreement scale was 1-4 with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 4 being “strongly agree.” The survey included Invisaligntrained orthodontists and dentists in the NA, LATAM, EMEA, and APAC regions. Data on file at AlignTechnology, as of December 23, 2021.

4. Based on a survey of Invisalign trained orthodontists (n=48) and dentists (n=17) who were classified as having used Live Update in at least one Invisalign case in the period of June 2, 2021 through October 31, 2021 and were asked to indicate their agreement with the statement, “ClinCheck with Live Update allows for quicker turnaround on delivery of aligners.” Agreement scale was 1-4 with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 4 being “strongly agree.” The survey included Invisalign trained orthodontists and dentists in the NA, LATAM, EMEA, and APAC regions.Data on file at Align Technology, as of December 23, 2021.

For professional dental use only—Rx only. In rare cases, allergic reactions can occur.
